Equines destined for slaughter are given a chance at a happy life via Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue.

There is a one-of-a-kind spot in the town of Mount Airy, Maryland, that is home to a number of horses that are of excellent quality. Providing draft horses with a second shot at life is the aim of Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue. This is accomplished by rescuing them from the butcher and trying to prevent them from being put to death. They exerted a great deal of work in order to show these horses that they were formerly seen as unwanted, to show them that not all humans are horrible, and to provide them with the chance to shine.


The term “Rescue, Rehab, Retrain, and Rehome” is their motto, and they have been meeting the needs of the community in this way ever since the year 2005.

Recuperation of Draft Horses and the Gentle Giants That They Are
All levels of care are offered for these horses who have been rescued from their circumstances. Numerous individuals have been subjected to neglect or abuse throughout their whole lives. Having said that, there is one thing that can be said with absolute certainty. By the time they reach Gentle Giants Horse Rescue, it is assured that they will never again be forced to go through the ordeal of experiencing agony.

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A portion of the mission statement that can be seen on the Facebook page of Gentle Giants Draft Horse Rescue is detailed in the following excerpt: “All of our horses are rescued from auctions, where we are their last chance before being sold to slaughter.” The temperament, soundness, and adaptability of our horses are taken into consideration throughout the selection process by our team. After being returned to their safe haven, all horses are held in confinement for a period of at least 21 days. During this time, they are treated by veterinarians, farriers, and veterinarians. During this time, they are also supplied with medical care. When a horse has been entirely recovered, we do a comprehensive examination of each one of them, which may include training for riding if it is required. Every one of our horses is put through a thorough examination in order to guarantee that the rider and the horse are a suitable match for one another. Our goal is to find a rider who is a good match for each and every horse that we rescue. This is our objective. A partnership that is effective is one that cultivates a connection between the rider and the horse that is characterised by trust and friendship.

Recuperation of Draft Horses and the Gentle Giants That They Are
They have been able to make a huge difference in the lives of horses that are being sold for slaughter as a result of the donations that they have made to this humanitarian organisation. These draft horses are prepared to function and are capable of being taught; all that is required of them is to locate the appropriate persons who will provide them with the chance that they merit. The encouraging news is that once they come to Gentle Giants Draft Rescue, they will have the opportunity to grow.