How to Get Rid of Iguanas Safely and Effectively: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Get Rid of Iguanas? Iguanas, known for their unique appearance and fascinating behavior, can sometimes become unwanted guests in our homes or gardens.

 If you’re facing an iguana problem and seeking effective solutions to remove them, this detailed guide will provide you with comprehensive strategies to safely and responsibly get rid of iguanas while ensuring their well-being and respecting local regulations.

Understanding Iguanas:

How to Get Rid of Iguanas Safely

Before taking any action, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the behavior and characteristics of iguanas. They are cold-blooded reptiles that thrive in warm climates, often found near water sources and vegetation.

Understanding their habits, diet, and preferred habitat will help you develop effective strategies to manage their presence.

Natural Deterrents:


Start by employing non-lethal methods to deter iguanas from your property. Some effective natural deterrents include:

a. Plant Selection:

Choose iguana-resistant plants for your garden. Opt for species that are unattractive or less appealing to iguanas, such as prickly or aromatic plants.

b. Strong Odors:

Use strong-smelling substances like garlic, vinegar, or citrus peels around areas frequented by iguanas. The potent scent can deter them from approaching.

c. Water Sprinklers:

Install motion-activated sprinkler systems that release water when iguanas approach. The sudden water spray can startle them and encourage them to seek shelter elsewhere.

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Habitat Modification:


Iguanas are attracted to properties with suitable food, water, and shelter. By modifying their preferred habitat, you can make your property less inviting to iguanas. Consider the following:

a. Remove Food Sources:

Keep your garden clean by promptly removing fallen fruits, flowers, and vegetables, as these can attract iguanas.

b. Eliminate Standing Water:

Drain any stagnant water sources like ponds, birdbaths, or containers. Iguanas rely on water for survival, and by removing this resource, you reduce their attraction to your property.

c. Clear Debris and Dense Vegetation:

Remove piles of leaves, fallen branches, or dense vegetation that can provide shelter and hiding spots for iguanas.

Exclusion Techniques:

To prevent iguanas from entering or accessing specific areas, consider employing exclusion techniques:

a. Fencing: Install sturdy fences around your property, making sure they are buried at least a foot underground to prevent digging. Use materials like metal or heavy-gauge wire mesh that iguanas cannot climb.

b. Tree Wraps and Barriers: Wrap the lower portion of trees with slick metal or plastic tree wraps to prevent iguanas from climbing them. Install wire mesh barriers around vulnerable areas like gardens or patios to deter their access.

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Humane Trapping and Removal:


If other methods have been unsuccessful, and local regulations permit it, humane trapping can be considered. Follow these guidelines for safe and responsible trapping:

  • Choose the Right Traps: Select live traps specifically designed for reptiles. These traps should be large enough to accommodate iguanas and have a mechanism to prevent harm.
  • Bait and Placement: Place the traps in areas where iguanas are frequently seen. Use appropriate bait such as fruits or vegetables to attract them into the trap.
  • Contact Professionals: Once captured, contact local wildlife authorities or professional pest control services trained in handling reptiles. They can safely remove and relocate the captured iguanas to suitable habitats.

Seeking Professional Assistance:

Take The Iguana DBC Pierre

In cases of extensive infestations or if you are uncomfortable dealing with iguanas on your own, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. Wildlife experts or pest control services with experience in managing reptiles can provide effective and humane solutions tailored to your specific situation.

Long-Term Prevention:

To prevent future iguana problems, incorporate these long-term prevention strategies:

a. Regular Inspection: Conduct routine inspections of your property, checking for potential entry points, gaps, or vulnerabilities that may attract iguanas.

b. Landscape Design: Opt for landscaping techniques that are less attractive to iguanas. Utilize raised garden beds, elevated planters, or vertical gardening to discourage their presence.

c. Stay Informed: Stay updated on local regulations and restrictions regarding iguanas. Adhere to any legal requirements for removal and relocation, ensuring compliance with wildlife protection laws.

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FAQ Related to How to Get Rid of Iguanas?

Q1: What are some natural deterrents to keep iguanas away?

A1: Natural deterrents include planting iguana-resistant vegetation, using strong-smelling substances like garlic or vinegar, and installing motion-activated sprinkler systems to startle and deter iguanas.

Q2: How can I modify my property to discourage iguanas?

A2: Modify their habitat by removing food sources like fallen fruits, eliminating standing water, and clearing debris and dense vegetation. These steps make your property less attractive to iguanas.

Q3: Are there any exclusion techniques to prevent iguanas from entering specific areas?

A3: Yes, you can install fences using materials that iguanas can’t climb or dig under. Wrapping trees with slick metal or plastic and using wire mesh barriers are also effective in deterring iguanas.

Q4: Is humane trapping an option for removing iguanas?

A4: Humane trapping can be considered as a last resort. Use live traps designed for reptiles, bait them with fruits or vegetables, and contact local wildlife authorities or professionals for safe removal and relocation.

Q5: When should I seek professional assistance for iguana removal?

A5: It’s advisable to seek professional help in complex or large-scale infestations, or if you are uncomfortable dealing with iguanas on your own. Wildlife experts and pest control services can provide effective and humane solutions.


Successfully managing an iguana problem requires a combination of knowledge, patience, and responsible action.

By understanding their behavior, employing natural deterrents, modifying their habitat, using exclusion techniques, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can effectively control and remove iguanas from your property.

Remember to prioritize the safety and well-being of both humans and animals throughout the process. With the right approach, you can address the iguana issue while maintaining harmony in your living space.